Live Chat Solutions for 24/7

The Small Businesses New Best Friend

We enable SMEs to be open for business 24x7x52 via their website. We leverage the power and ubiquity of the internet, state of the art Live Chat Operators and graduate level professional operators. This enables SMEs to have affordable access to live chat solutions and Virtual Receptionist Service on their websites and compete effectively with larger companies who can afford the software and to implement it in-house. We do this for the price as little as 60 pence per hour. Yes, 60 pence per hour!

SMEs are the lifeblood of the British economy and the growth engine of any local economy. They provide new employment in the area and They are the seedbed from which bigger companies can grow.

But to compete with larger companies you have to find resources to maintain a 24x7x52 staffed presence for Customers to contact you with queries or to support purchases. Live chat or appointment booking service on websites are an increasingly important communication channel to be competitive.

So SMEs have both a challenge and an opportunity in today’s rapidly changing global market. The internet and its capabilities allow SMEs who can work out how to leverage its possibilities and find the time and resources to achieve that, to compete on even terms with larger corporations and even to beat them, as their shorter decision-making times and chains mean they can experiment and change quickly and repeatedly, and evolving that based on customer feedback. Big organizations have decision chains that slow this down. But getting that feedback can be challenging unless the internet can be leveraged.

Herein lies the challenge. If an SME does not have the technology smarts or the money to pay expensive consultants to provide things for you, it is a Catch 22. The opportunity is there but you cannot access it.

Rapid Live Chat Operators is the solution to that Catch 22.

We have a series of templates that make it easy for you to get started and then evolve your service as your understanding of what visitors to your website want and our experience in implementing complex software systems means we take the hassle away from you, allowing you to run your business, whilst we set up and provide their 24×7 manned Live Chat Solutions service.

But because we work across boundaries to get the most effective cost basis for the business, we can do this for as little as 60 pence per hour, affordable to almost any UK SME with a website.

We have created a turnkey service that gives SMEs affordable to access this technology, manned 24x7x52 and with no IT or Live Chat expertise required outsource live chat operators today. A series of tested templates make it easy for you to get started and evolve your service as your understanding of what visitors to their website want, we allow them to start very quickly and as their experience grows, so we increase our understanding of your customer and website visitors in an organic and customer responsive way, building our operator knowledge and expertise in a managed and controlled manner.

This means that in a world where research from a leading Live Chat Solutions has shown that:

  • One in five website shoppers prefers live chat.
  • 77% of people who prefer live chat prefer it because they get their questions answered immediately.
  • Buyers of more complex products are 53% more likely to purchase after a chat and of simple products are 38% more likely to buy after a chat.

Those companies that do not have a live chat capability on their website are at a disadvantage we also provide professional phone answering service for small business. Especially after normal business hours when customer phone lines are not manned.

This ground breaking service allows even the smallest SME who has a website to compete effectively with larger rivals 24x7x52, using the internet to open up this global channel and enable website visitors to ask a general question about products and services, help finding an item or enquire about special deals.

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